Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From Margaret July 1

It i so hard to believe that it's already July! We have been really busy these last few days; having lots of fun!
School is going extremely well, all of the kids shower me with questions every day. They are being so nice!
Today was Sports Day at school, and they allowed me to jump in. My house was Robinson; all of the houses were competing is races: Skipping Race, Sack Race, Obstacle Race, Bean-bag Race, and Relay Race. The winning house would get a trophy.The houses are Wilkinson, Robinson, and Darbon. Guess who won?
This past weekend Mum (Mom) , Emily and I went to York to see Kaitlin and Paul Dominiak, who were married last summer. They are doing really well, and are soon going to get a Chocolate Lab puppy! Paul was ordained at York Minster, the largest and most beautiful church I have ever seen. He is now a deacon.
There were many placesto SHOP in York! The town that we were in was basically all SHOPPING, with a lot of history mixed in. This history includes lots of ghost stories; some people say that York is the most haunted city in the world!
During the time of the Plague, they used to board up people's houses if someone had it. This accured to one large family that killed everyone...Except the smallest little girl. People back then thought that you could get sick only from living people, so when the men came to board the houseup, they boarded her up, too.
Eventually, the little girl died of starvation. People can see the figure of the little girl, looking out the window of her house.
On a brighter note, we stayed at a bed and breakfast called the Abbingdon, which was lovely. There were two beds: One double bed and one single. We let Emily have the single because she always thrashes and kicks in her sleep.
We didn't have a car in York, we had taken a train, so we walked everywhere we went or, if it was too far, took a tour bus.
One of the streets in York is very famous for it's age. It's the Shambles, which we walked through almost every day. It now has tons of little shops and cafes, and we enjoyd it very much.

Miss you all!

1 comment:

Salome said...

Hello Margaret (and Emily, Susan and Eric)!

Thank you for your updates. We are glad you are having a good time, and especially glad tht you got to see Kaitlin and Paul and attend the ordination. We can't wait to see the pictures!

Sounds like your time in school is a lot of fun.

We took the Carter's to the parade in Mayville today and got to spend some time with them and hear a little about where you are staying.

Have a lovely trip, and say hello to Kait and Paul for us if you see them again!

Cheri, Jim, Kelsey and Kylie Krull