Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Exploring Wales July 5-8

This past week we really did some Welsh adventuring. On July 5th we headed out for a day of castle exploration. We toured three of Edward I's masterpieces -- Beaumaris, Caernarvon and Harlech. At Caernarvon (see left) they were celebrating Welsh veterans day with a service, ceremony and parade (including a fly over by a WWII fighter plane). At Harlech the "Knights of Longshanks" (a reenactment group) was doing crafts and weapons demonstrations. Eric got to try on a ring mail shirt.

You can see photos of all the castles at http://picasaweb.google.com/revemw/SabbaticalPix.

On Monday and Tuesday we made a quick trip through South Wales. We went to the Gower, a peninsula near Swansea to visit the scenic beaches there (though it was still windy and cold... but the girls had a great time). Then Tuesday we visited Caerau, where Eric's dad was born. We then went to St. Fagan's museum of Welsh folklore with a "village" made up of buildings from various periods of history and parts of Wales. Later that afternoon we visited the Big Pit in Blaenavon, a coal mine that was in operation until 1980 and where visitors can now go down into the mine and learn about life as a Welsh coal miner.

Other highlights of the week:

July 3 There was a lovely party in our honor at the Brymbo cricket club hosted by the Minera deanery with a good turnout from all the local churches. We played "Beatle" which was lots of fun, but beyond my powers to describe accurately. It is kind of a cross between Bingo, hangman and Yahtzee.

July 4 Susan and I went mountain biking at Llandegla forest. We rode the "beginner" trail which was plenty exciting for us. Oooh those rocks hurt me bum! (-Susan) That evening we went to Shelagh and Gordon Watkinson's house for her birthday and an American barbecue (hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.) Margaret and Emily enjoyed playing games in the garden and Margaret helped give Shelagh's grandson, 1-yr-old Tom, a bath. She got her own shower in the process!

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